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November 17, 2006




i've never been to europe before, but am planning to go to rome for 3 days/nights in Feb. I'm really looking forward to your reviews of what you do. I LOVE food and wine and my main goal is to enjoy the food of rome. Have a great time!


HI! I saw your post on Fodors and thought I'd follow along! I was part of a 6 person group of coworkers who went to Italy in October, we only had 2 nights in Rome so I'm anxious to see all the things we missed, through your trip of course! We stayed at the Grand Palazzo Carpegna hotel on Via Aurelia 481 (around the corner from the Cornelia metro stop), near there are two great places to eat, local spots (at least we didn't see too many tourists). One is Joseph's and the other is Gustomundo (or Gustosando, something like that). We really enjoyed the meals there, and the prices were quite reasonable. I think we spent no more than 20 Euro each (we split the bill 6 ways).

Safe travels...enjoy your biz class seats!

I look forward to reading your blog.

Pantelia (Rose)

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